Saturday, March 23, 2013

Where the Dead Relive Opening Nights

Balcony in Ruins - Old BHS - Brookfield

Photo Courtesy
Sara C. Mosley,
Brookfield, Missouri

Theater for the Dead 

James Hart

Abandoned High School Building, Brookfield, Missouri
Auditorium, BHS-Landscapes by Kent Durk

After the couples promenade the desolate halls,
generations blended without order or meaning,
all the flappers and the flamers parade beside
the bobby-soxers clinging to boys in letter jackets
heavy with medals pinned to their Brookfield B’s,
the stoners and loners, the losers desperate for dates,

all of us peering and nodding in nameless recognition
before last call for seats spared time’s chaos and decay.
Each night the alumni of loneliness assemble here
to relive the plots of forgotten plays scattered among
un-numbered opening nights.  We wait for the curtain
that fell in shreds to shroud a ghostly world below us

to whisper open in our memories, the clatter and rattle
of ropes and pulleys in the track reminiscent of bones
or dice. Life played out games we can’t recall a score.
Stage lights gone out long ago, a thousand sets arrayed
in time’s exposures, we peer into layers of liquid light,
moon and star shimmer come down through empty

windows glimmering with dust and desolation,
the crush of glass a script of syllables on the floor,
to see the players we remember among ourselves.
We listen for our silent soliloquies about space
and solitude, recalling only the purr of galaxies,
novas that brought us here a million dawns ago.

August 29, 2010; February 2, 2013

Any of Kent Durk's photos of the auditorium
would illustrate this poem. Open the following link,
and slides numbered 26-32 feature the auditorium.
Slide No. 30 is the best setting for the poem.

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