Sunday, March 24, 2013

Doomed Ruins Under a Brooding Sky

Back of Old BHS (1928-1989) - Auditorium Wing

Photo by
Kent Durk


James Hart

Abandoned High School Building, Brookfield, Missouri
BHS Front Door, BHS-Landscapes by Kent Durk*

Inside these walls, read the testament
of wind and water, remember thunder sounding
down the stairs after years of rain soaked nights,
youthful ghosts evacuating past at school day’s end.

History’s script in glass and plaster litters floors,
paint like sensitive skin peels from metal surfaces,
privacy panels in the abandoned restrooms
attest to rust and randomness of what falls,

what retains its place.  Here, the lords of darkness
and the armored gods of chaos rule the nights,
the daylong sun penetrates windows, mullions
pass empty shadows over warped, buckled boards.

Any passerby looking in might remember English
teachers parsing Shakespeare into memory’s particles,
assessing Emily’s certain slant of light and how
on winters’ afternoons the shadows do hold

their breath in hallways where nothing living happens.
Here is a declaration of dependence on heat and frost
to repeat their upheavals endlessly in the name of change:
shift, drop, clatter, collapse the only necessary vocabulary

studied here.  Minuscule from time’s ancient pages,
mold and mildew ink the handwriting on these walls,
silence deafening in its loneliness the only language
we know for what happens here, the life of dying.

August 29, 2010

*The original picture by Kent Durk for which
I wrote this poem is no longer available.  However,
any of Kent Durk's photos seen in the slide show
at the link below provide a brilliant testament
to my poem's images of doom.

Stone Panel over Front Door
Old BHS - Photo by jmh

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