Saturday, March 9, 2013

Once Upon a Windswept Heath

"Cemetery Art - Chess Pieces"

Title for this photo
is my personal 

Kent Durk

Postcard from Rose Hill Cemetery

James Hart

“… your eyes are cameras that filter out the real.”—Jim Barnes

Dear friend, I found your poem near me today
walking here among the dead I never knew,
listening to autumn wind speak damp murmurs
to trees and stones.  I marvel at the muteness a stone
can hold: carved syllables containing names, numbers
of lives ended over a century ago, script brown with pine
needles, and here a fallen feather rain pressed to this O
like a wing to lift us onward from gravity of day.

No one remains among the living to remember them
or the axle creaks of wagon wheels that bore them here,
the lines of mourners dressed in widow black as real
to me as withered weeds in ditches along a road.
Memory makes me picture them in cinematic gray,
cloud shreds embracing earth after passing storm:
distant trees screen processions of ghosts, women
weep ancient wind beyond the blur of years.

October 13, 2012

This poem is indebted to
"Postcard from Poison Spider Creek, Wyoming."
Jim Barnes. On a Wing of the Sun.
University of Illinois Press, 2001.

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