Friday, February 22, 2013

Recalling Pieces of a Dream

Ancient Theater at Delos

"Delos" was first published 
in The Chariton Review
at Truman State University
in the Spring 1981 issue.

James Hart

You walk down
the stone path
to the theatre facing the sea.
Rows of chairs await
the gray surge of tide-winds.
The actors hover, gulls telling
cold soliloquies.

You are the only
one there,
looking for a chair
among chairs.
There glinting silver, gray light,
growing pewter hued, salty
from the last performance,
someone’s silver sandal.

It is too small
for your foot.
It will walk
away from your foot.
It is softened
from the gods’ soundless steps.
You must wander in your sleep’s amphora.

One night you will wake,
and the stage will be full:
They will wait behind the moon’s curtain,
promenade the sand.
You will step up,
the silver sandal
will fit your step,
your pass to join the fire.

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