Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Anthology Selection: 1981

Vintage Bat on a Page of Words

"Blemishes" was first published in The Chariton Review at Truman State University in the Fall 1979 issue, and it was selected for publication in Anthology of Magazine Verse and Yearbook of American Poetry, 1981 Edition. Edited by Alan F. Pater. Beverly Hills: Monitor Book Company, Inc. 185-186. 


James Hart

Tales of witches warned me
not to play with toads,
whose urine would
leave ugly warts.

So I gazed more closely
into the clots of white foam
dripping from the dog’s jaw
to see the toad’s blemish,
and mark it for my own.

Leaving the dog to snap at toads,
I might have stared deeply
into the mildewed eyes
forming in dark damp places
and seen its spreading truth,
like time foxing pages of books
with tracks of its passing.

Out of some such freckled books
I was taught to gauge my faith
in the red blemishes of spiked
hands and feet, a severed groin.
I learned in one book
that squid ejaculate ink
as writ against betrayal.

Heavy with remembered dreams
this night, I awake to find
pores oozing on my neck.
I feel my strength ebb,
like bat wings at dawn.
I distrust the shadows darkly
playing in the corners of my room
where the last days’ dust covers cracks.

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